Bugreports should always be sent by email to [support@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de] (mailto:support@techfak.net). Even if someone else already wrote about a problem, you should write, too. Multiple explanations of the same problem do help to get a comprehensive description and a faster solution. Maybe you do create the most expressive description or you found out the crucial detail.
Please try to write down as much of these details as possible:
- the computers name (maybe multiple names)
- the name of the account having problems (maybe multiple accounts)
- the complete error message (via paste-and-copy)
- the software that has been used
- the date and time when the problem occurs, maybe also time and date in the past when it was still working successfull.
- if it is happening once or regularly (ideally give timestamps)
- how we can reproduce the problem
- the output of tf-debug (to be executed in a terminal-window)
If multiple accounts or computers are affected, better write down their names instead of looking for a common ground. If some accounts or computers are definitly not affected, please list their names, too. This helps us determining the reason.
Please don't mix assumptions about further computers or accounts that could be affected into your detailed bugreport. These won't help solving the problem.
Thanks for helping us to keep the system running for you and others.